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Now casting season 3 of 'Plus Life,' a reality show. Note: We're searching nationwide for people who have something good...
Now casting season 3 of 'Plus Life,' a reality show. Note: We're searching nationwide for people who have something good going on in their lives that could help benefit others. Any and all types of stories are welcome. This casting is open to everyone. 'Plus Life' is back and what better way to kick off a new year than by spreading positive vibes and wholesome optimism. This unique lifestyle series aims to inspire its viewers on how they can also live the best life possible. Found exclusively on ABC Network’s Localish Channel, 'Plus Life' is a highly contagious mindset that is always trending in the right direction. The production is filmed 100 percent remotely, no travel necessary. Your story will be featured on ABC Network's Localish channel, along with any of your website and/or social media links.

Ethnicity: All Ethnicities
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    Now Casting 'Plus Life' Season 3

    Now casting season 3 of 'Plus Life,' a reality show. Note: We're searching nationwide for people who have something good going on in their lives that could help benefit others. Any and all types of stories are welcome. This casting is open to everyone. 'Plus Life' is back and what better way to k...
    Now casting season 3 of 'Plus Life,' a reality show. Note: We're searching nationwide for people who have something good going on in their lives that could help benefit others. Any and all types of stories are welcome. This casting is open to everyone. 'Plus Life' is back and what better way to kick off a new year than by spreading positive vibes and wholesome optimism. This unique lifestyle series aims to inspire its viewers on how they can also live the best life possible. Found exclusively on ABC Network’s Localish Channel, 'Plus Life' is a highly contagious mindset that is always trending in the right direction. The production is filmed 100 percent remotely, no travel necessary. Your story will be featured on ABC Network's Localish channel, along with any of your website and/or social media links.

    Ethnicity: All Ethnicities
    Required Skills:
    4th Mar, 2022 11:00AM - 28th Mar, 2022 11:00AM
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